Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
18 Cloud View Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 25715422 | Fax: 25662767


本校兩位修讀旅遊與款待科的中四學生 (4B李嘉怡、4C 梁俊宇) 參加由旅遊事務署及香港青年協會主辦的青年大使計劃2024-25,在剛過去的暑假已完成為期兩個月的培訓,正式成為青年大使,協助旅遊發展局向市民和來自世界各地的旅客推廣香港的好客形象和多元魅力


Two of our S4 students studying Tourism and Hospitality Studies (4B Li Ka Yi and 4C Leung Chun Yu) participated in the Hong Kong Youth Ambassador Scheme 2024-25 organized by the Tourism Commission and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. They completed a two-month training program during the past summer, officially becoming Youth Ambassadors. They will assist the Hong Kong Tourism Board in promoting Hong Kong’s hospitality and multifaceted charm to locals and visitors all over the world, with the aim to enrich their travel experiences, as well as supporting the sustainable development of the tourism industry.