Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
18 Cloud View Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 25715422 | Fax: 25662767


本校學生參加由敬師運動委員會主辦的向老師致敬2023 學生比賽 - WhatsApp貼圖設計比賽, 透過圖像設計歌頌老師無私奉獻的精神。


Our students participated in the Salute to Teachers 2023 - WhatsApp Sticker Design Competition organized by the Committee on Respect Our Teachers Campaign. They designed the graphics for WhatsApp stickers so as to salute teachers for their selfless dedication. 


1.向老師致敬2023 學生比賽 WhatsApp貼圖設計比賽 (中一至中六)

Salute to Teachers 2023 - WhatsApp Sticker Design Competition (Form 1- Form 6)

3A 劉志浩    獲優異獎



2. 春意歡騰展繽紛繪畫比賽 

Spring Joy Exhibition Painting Competition

3D 陳佩嬌    獲中學組 優異獎
