Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
18 Cloud View Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 25715422 | Fax: 25662767






第1天 —— 師生在香港國際機場集合,滿懷期待地飛往仁川。抵達後,首先探訪了月尾島文化街,感受當地的文化氛圍。午餐後,參觀炸醬麵博物館,瞭解韓國美食文化。接著,前往松月洞童話村和仁川中華街,體驗了不同的魅力。


第2天 —— 在首爾市立美術館開始了新的一天,師生共同欣賞當地的藝術作品。隨後,參觀歷史悠久的景福宮,並在愛來魔術4D藝術館X智勇迷宮中體驗科技與藝術的結合。晚上,觀看著名的NANTA SHOW,這個表演將雜技、魔術、喜劇、啞劇和烹飪技巧完美結合,是一場獨一無二的精彩演出。


第3天 —— 上午,師生走訪北村韓屋村,感受傳統韓式建築的韻味。下午,參觀安養藝術公園和松島中央公園,感受著藝術與自然的對話,激發對美的無限思考。同學們還學習了時下流行的K-POP舞蹈動作。


第4天 —— 在這次旅程的最後一天,學生們親手製作了韓國紫菜手卷,並試穿了傳統的韓服。午餐後,遊覽弘益大學校區,感受著這裡濃厚的學術氛圍和藝術氣息。




#韓國之旅 #首爾文化 #藝術體驗 #傳統與現代 #美好回憶

"Seoul, South Korea Arts and Culture 4 Days Tour"

From June 26th to June 29th, our school's students and teachers embarked on a journey filled with artistic and cultural experiences—a four-day trip to Seoul, South Korea. This was not just a simple trip, but a rare opportunity to deeply understand traditional Korean culture and modern art.

Day 1 - The group assembled at Hong Kong International Airport, eagerly flying to Incheon. Upon arrival, they first visited Wolmido Cultural Street to immerse themselves in the local cultural atmosphere. After lunch, they explored the Jjajangmyeon Museum to learn about Korean culinary culture. Next, they headed to Songwol-dong Fairy Tale Village and Chinatown in Incheon to experience different charms.

Day 2 - The day began at the Seoul Museum of Art, where students and teachers enjoyed local artworks together. Following this, they visited the historic Gyeongbokgung. In the afternoon, they experienced the fusion of technology and art at the Alive Museum and Dynamic Maze. That evening, they watched the famous NANTA SHOW, an extraordinary performance that perfectly combines acrobatics, magic, comedy, mime, and cooking skills.

Day 3 - In the morning, the group visited Bukchon Hanok Village to savor the elegance of traditional Korean architecture. In the afternoon, they explored Anyang Art Park and Songdo Central Park, experiencing the dialogue between art and nature, which sparked boundless reflections on beauty. Students also learned popular K-POP dance moves.

Day 4 - On the last day of the trip, students made Korean seaweed rolls (gimbap) by hand and tried on traditional Korean hanbok. After lunch, they toured the Hongik University campus, soaking up the rich academic and artistic atmosphere.

This trip allowed students to experience the charms of Korean pop culture and broaden their horizons.

#KoreaTrip #SeoulCulture #ArtisticExperience #TraditionAndModernity #WonderfulMemories