主任 盧皓慧老師 Ms. Lo Ho Wai |
副主任 楊昇明老師 Mr. Yeung Sing Ming |
組員 胡曉筠老師,張潔瓊老師 Ms. Wu Hiu Kwan, Ms. Cheung Kit King |
宗旨 / 理念 / 目標
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鼓勵同學親身走進社區,透過服務累積人生經驗。 To provide opportunities for students to acquire knowledge and gain experiences that are related to social service. |
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透過服務建立同理心及學會尊重他人。 To foster empathy and a sense of love and care for others and develop mutual respect for others. |
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關注社會需要,成為負責任的公民。 To provide opportunities for students to appreciate their shared humanity and commit to their communities. |
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潤田顯愛心社會服務計劃 中一級:特殊學校聯校運動會義工 中二級:長幼共融活動及幼稚園畢業禮義工 中四級:獨居長者探訪 LCD Social Service Project S.1 - Volunteers in Joint Special Schools Sports Day S.2 - Inter-generational Harmony Activites & Volunteers in Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony S.4 - Elderly Visits |
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東華三院北角長者學苑 TWGHs North Point Elderly Academy |
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校內及校外義工服務嘉許計劃 獎勵積極服務學校及社會的同學 Volunteer Achievement Awards To recognize the achievement of our students with contributions to the school and the society. |
網址 東華三院長者進修網絡 http://elderlearning.tungwahcsd.org/ea_info.php?centerid=npea |