主任 區小玲老師 Ms. Au Siu Ling |
副主任 陳智杰老師 Mr. Chan Chi Kit |
組員 張珮懿老師,吳祺康老師,畢劍明老師, 鍾逸健老師 Ms. Cheung Pui Yee, Mr. Ng Ki Hong, Mr. Pak Kim Ming, Mr. Chung Yat Kin Adrian |
宗旨 / 理念 / 目標
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鼓勵同學善用餘暇,參與有計劃及具指導性的活動。 To encourage students to make good use of their free time and participate in planned and instructive activities. |
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增進師生間、同學間的情誼,從而提高學生對學校的歸屬感。 To build friendship among teachers, students, and classmates and to enhance students' sense of belonging to the school. |
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藉推廣課外活動,使學生獲得均衡的身心發展,並建立團隊精神。 To provide a balanced development of body and mind, and team spirit building. |
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發展學生在課室以內未能顯露的潛能。 To develop students' potentials through various extracurricular activities. |
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幫助學生培養健全的品格,成為良好正直的公民。 To cultivate students’ whole person development and to nurture them to become good and upright citizens. |
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「日本九州五天自然景觀、傳統手藝、日本文化體驗團」 同學除認識日本之傳統手藝、生活文化外,還加強自理能力、溝通能力。 Through the overseas cultural tour, students not only learnt about Japanese traditional craftsmanship and culture, but also strengthened their self-care and communication skills. The five-day journey in Kyushu, Japan was an unforgettable experience for students. |
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四社Fun 氛分 由課外活動處舉辦比賽給四社同學參加,比賽包括醜小鴨賽跑、大肺王氣球吹杯子及數字球,同學投入比賽。 The Extra-curricular Activities Group organized various competitions for students of the four houses. The students participated in the competitions strived to achieve success for their house. |
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領袖訓練活動 每年參與之學生乃是四社幹事及各學會幹事,透過各類歷奇活動,增加同學的溝通能力、協作能力及解決問題能力。 Students participating each year are the committee members of the four houses and each society. Through various adventure activities, students' communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills could be enhanced. |
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卓越學生課程--珠寶鑑定 由於同學對珠寶鑑定、珠寶級別十分感興趣,他們踴躍發問,大開眼界。 Since the participating students were very interested in jewelry appraisal and jewelry level, they eagerly raised related questions. The workshop broadened students’ horizons. |
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「咖啡體驗師」活動 同學透過是次活動初步了解行業的運作,明白創業的過程;同學亦在活動中學習自製一杯拉花咖啡。 A Barista Trainer, also an alumnus of our school, provided a preliminary understanding of the operations and starting process of a coffee business through the activity. Students were pleased with a cup of latte art coffee which they learnt to make during the activity. |