Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
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#王維 #傳統美德 #家國情懷 #永續動能 #怡情審美 #中國歷史人物選舉 #專題研習報告 #嘉許獎

[Academic Recognition] Annual Election of Chinese Historical Figure 2023 (Project Learning Report Writing Competition)

On August 26, 2024, our students won the Senior Commendation Award for their lively presentations in the Annual Election of Chinese Historical Figure 2023 (Project Learning Report Writing Competition). This competition has deepened their understanding of Chinese history, and they have made significant progress in their research and presentation skills. This experience has had a profound impact on their academic exploration and cultural identity.

#wang wei #traditional value #Annual Election of Chinese Historical Figure 2023 #Focused Study Report #Commendation Award